Separate two triangular sections at the top of the head. Separate horizontal section, paralel to the hair growth and wave fine sections. Use formula A – GBP + 3% Cremeoxyd (1:2)
Keep moving towards corner of the section, and pack the foils in triangular shape. Leave 0,5 cm of spacing between the foils.
Repeat the procedure on the other side.
Move to the crown area. Separate the triangular section at the back. Use the waving technique as previously.
Once you‘ve finished with waving, use spatula to colour the rest of the hair. Start at the neck. Separate fine horizontal section, backcomb the roots and apply the colour on the ends.
Keep moving towards the top of the head. Place brush vertically and push the colour towards the roots, to create fine transition between the dark and light part.
Take the hair between the foils, and colour it in the same way. Place each section on the spatula, backcomb the hair and apply the product 3 cm from the roots.
Move to the sides, take horizontal sections and keep colouring in the same way. Place the hair on the foil to keep it neat.
Leave the colour to develop until you reach level 10/0.
Wash the hair with PHI After Colour Shampoo and dry it slightly to remove excess water from the hair.
Then apply formula C to the roots - SENSEO 9/46 (20g) + 5/1 (20g) + 3% Cremeoxyd (1:2)
When finished with root application, wave few sections on the sides and apply the same formula as applied to the roots. This is how you will create more depth in the hair.
Alternate fine and thicker sections. Leave 1 cm of spacing between the foils.
Move to the back and do the same as on the sides.
When finished with the lowlights, apply formula D to the ends - UNIQUE 10/1 (15g) + 10/6 (15g) + 1.9% Cremeoxyd (1:2)
Move to the sides and continue with colouring the ends of the hair. Leave the colour to develop for 15 minutes. Use PHI After Colour Shampoo and After Colour Mask to wash and condition the hair.